Featured Brand - Coffee People

Coffee People are known for its extra bold coffee with flavorful blends. Coffee People produce K-Cups in three bold flavors. There are a variety of bold coffees to choose from for your Keurig single-cup coffee maker.
Jet Fuel. Jet Fuel is an all time extra bold, dark roast coffee. It is smooth and rich. It also does not leave a bitter aftertaste in your mouth.
Black Tiger. Black Tiger is also an extra bold, full-bodied, dark coffee with a pungent aroma. It is strong, but some say it is perfect even without cream or sugar.
Donut Shop. The Original Donut Shop coffee is a perfect way to start your day off right. This full-bodied, all-American classic is a medium roast with a bold, sweet taste. It is so smooth and creamy it warms your soul! Coffee People Original Donut Shop remains one of our top selling coffees for the Keurig single cup system!
Although there are other extra bold K-Cup coffee choices to choose from, Coffee People only focuses on making the best bold coffee. Choose the right coffee for you.